
Browse our list of programs established to fuel the possibilities for people of all ages, all walks of life, throughout Silicon Valley and beyond.

As a foundation, we are developing anti-bullying programs that we feel will help prevent and mitigate bullying. Our goal is to help protect people from...

Our Tech for Children programs are designed to help children learn the value of technology to help them expand the range of information to learn...

We have opportunities to help explore how technical solutions can be a rewarding experience contributing to an amazing cause that is helping make gains to...

As technologists, we encourage platforms to discuss the possibilities of technology solutions. We look forward to sharing insights about our vision of how technology can...

As a foundation, we want to help find solutions and ways to help those with disabilities (Physical and Learning disabilities/difficulties).

We are designing programs for people of all walks of life who are interested in entering the tech workforce.

Each year a number of moms look to reenter the workforce or to gain new skills. We are developing programs to help moms re-entering the...

As a foundation, we want to find ways to help those without homes, including foster children to be inspired and strive for more in life.

Inspired by the 2022 discovery of 2 million year old DNA, we look to develop programs that will inspire scientific research and discoveries.

Our foundation looks for ways to help expand the human experience, including help make later years memorable. Technology solutions can also help provide solace for...

Our foundation looks to inspire those interested in space exploration. Our plans include Space Camp opportunities where we will help participants explore technologies for space,...

We will offer sustainability programs to help provide technology solutions to help the environment. We look forward to sharing sustainability insights year round, with Earth...

Technologists are constantly looking for new ways to solve problems and how those solutions connect and impact society. We will offer programs, platforms, and forums...

Teens are at a pivotal point—still minors—now with more technical exposure. We are working to find solutions that will help teens successfully navigate technical exposure...

Individuals with critical illnesses will benefit from our programs being designed to help provide solace with technology.

There are a number of people that are not benefiting from technology, due to lack of exposure or more pressing matters in their lives. We...

We are creating programs to help military veterans learn about technology careers, including options to transition into technology careers. While, where possible, partner with organizations that specialize...

Young adults can benefit from our knowledge and experience in helping manage how to benefit from technology while finding ways to avoid adverse experiences.


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